(C) Exhibition Requirements for Equidae (including exotic equine, donkeys, asses, burros, and zebras).
1. Intrastate (Missouri origin horses and other equidae moving for exhibition). 14 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (4/30/15) JASON KANDER Secretary of State 2 CSR 30-2—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Division 30—Animal Health
A. Equidae must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease. Any equidae showing signs of infectious or contagious disease at an exhibition shall be excused by the official inspecting veterinarian. When an official inspecting veterinarian is present, all equidae will be subject to daily inspection.
B. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is not required.
C. All equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) must be accompanied by a current VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test chart showing test date within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition for each animal, the name of the EIA accredited testing laboratory and the test accession number assigned by the laboratory, the graphic description of all markings needed for identification, or microchip, or legible tattoo, or unique registered brand or imprinted photograph on any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart. A certified photocopy or certified facsimile of the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart may be accepted for the purpose of exhibition.
(I) A certified photocopy is one obtained from the testing veterinarian or accredited testing laboratory bearing seal or signature in the lower right-hand corner along with the date of certification of photocopy in some ink other than black.
(II) A certified facsimile may be obtained only from the testing veterinarian or accredited testing laboratory and must bear the facsimile imprint of the originating facility clearly across the top of the page. It must also bear the date of facsimile either along the top or in the lower right-hand corner.
(III) Alteration or substitution of any information on any VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, including certified photocopies, certified facsimiles, or Certificate of Veterinary Inspections, shall cause the document to be invalid and in violation of sections 267.010 to 267.730, RSMo, and may result in civil penalties not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation and subject to expulsion.
2. Interstate (including exotic equine, donkeys, asses, burros, and zebras).
A. Equidae must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease. Any equidae showing signs of infectious or contagious diseases at an exhibition shall be excused by the official inspecting veterinarian. When an official inspecting veterinarian is present, all equidae will be subject to daily inspection.
B. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is required on all equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) showing identification and description of equidae listed and negative test results of an official EIA test, showing test date within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition for each animal, and the name of the EIA-accredited testing laboratory and the test accession number assigned by the laboratory. All equidae entering without an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and/or EIA test shall be excused from the show until proper documentation and test are available.
C. All equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) must be accompanied by a current VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test chart showing test date within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition for each animal, the name of the EIA accredited testing laboratory and the test accession number assigned by the laboratory, the graphic description of all markings needed for identification or microchip, or legible tattoo, or unique registered brand or imprinted photograph on any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart. A certified photocopy or certified facsimile of the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/ state EIA test chart may be accepted for the purpose of exhibition.
(I) A certified photocopy is one obtained from the testing veterinarian or accredited testing laboratory bearing seal or signature in the lower right-hand corner along with the date of certification of photocopy in some ink color other than black.
(II) A certified facsimile may be obtained only from the testing veterinarian or accredited testing laboratory and must bear the facsimile imprint of the originating facility clearly across the top of the page. It must also bear the date of the facsimile either along the top or in the lower right-hand corner.(III) Alteration or substitution of any information on any VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, including certified photocopies, certified facsimiles, or Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, shall cause the document to be invalid and in violation of sections 267.010 to 267.730, RSMo, and may result in civil penalties not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation and subject to expulsion.
D. A six (6)-month passport from states with which there is a reciprocal agreement will be accepted in lieu of a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. These passports must have proof of a negative EIA test within thirty (30) days of the date of application of the passport and permanent identification for each horse recorded on the passport and the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, along with other identifying characteristics. In the event of confirmed vesicular stomatitis in any of the states with which reciprocal agreements exist, use of the six (6)-month passport will be suspended by the state veterinarian of Missouri.
F. Any equidae from a premise under quarantine for vesicular stomatitis shall obtain an entry permit and must include the statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection that “the equidae listed have not been exposed to vesicular stomatitis within the past thirty (30) days.”